According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, “every two minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted,” resulting in an average of 207,754 victims each year. In response to this issue, April has been nationally dedicated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. To recognize this month, the University Counseling and Psychological Services will be hosting activities, workshops, and fundraisers to create sexual assault awareness on college campuses.
On Wednesday, March 21, “Take Back the Night,” will mark the official kick-off of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, explained Dr. Franca Mancini, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services who has worked to coordinate all of the month’s events.
“We hope to raise awareness and participation in events related to the important issue of interpersonal violence and sexual assault,” Mancini said, in hopes that this year will make the biggest impact of all events previously held. “We can accomplish this through events and by identifying students who want to participate and keep the message alive and current throughout the year.”
“Take Back the Night” will be held in the Residential Life Quad and is sponsored by Begin By Believing (BBB), the MU Chapter of the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA). The event will include a self-defense class at 6:30 pm, followed by a vigil and walk to raise awareness about interpersonal violence at 7:30 pm.
Mancini also mentioned that events will continue throughout the month, including the third annual Denim Day Drive. Beginning in 2010, the University, along with other universities and in collaboration with BBB and the NJCASA, has hosted the Denim Day Drive in efforts of supporting the NJCASA through the donation of jeans to local agencies supporting survivors of interpersonal violence.
Mancini shared that in order to make this year most successful, a theme has been planned for the Denim Day Drive called, “Pockets for a Purpose.”
From Thursday, April 19 through Wednesday, April 25, she explained students, faculty, and all campus community members can participate by donating jeans at a table in the Student Center. “They will receive denim pockets to wear and/or a denim sticker to place on a large banner with their name on it,” Mancini added, also sharing some program highlights of the week.
“On April 19, from 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm, we will view an episode of Private Practice related to interpersonal violence and a panel discussion will follow,” Mancini said, “and on April 25, Courtney McManus, survivor, will speak to our students about her own experience in a very moving presentation.” The program will be held in Anacon, as told by Mancini and will also offer “pocket themed” foods and goodies in the dining hall during the drive.
“We are really excited about these upcoming events, and hope that the campus will respond positively,” she said. She also added that all students who are interested in becoming active participants are welcome. “There are always many opportunities for involvement, whether related to a single event or a longer-term commitment,” she said, “in order to make a difference, we need everyone’s support.” Students who are interested in participating in the Denim Day Drive or involved with the efforts of Sexual Assault Awareness Month can contact Dr. Mancini at