Overcoming Rejection

How to Overcome Rejection

According to The Huffington Post, rejection knows no bounds, whether that may be in a relationship, a friendship, or job. Everyone experiences rejection and it hurts; it makes us feel like we are not good enough or something is wrong with us. Although it hurts, there are many healthy ways to cope and deal with rejection.

A method of coping with rejection is to write down all the positives about yourself and read them daily. This method builds an individual’s resilience so that when rejection is on the horizon, a person will not be as greatly affected by it. Characteristics such as being a great writer, a compassionate person, or making others laugh are all qualities to be proud of possessing. It is important to remember your worth and how important you are, not only when dealing with rejection, but in every aspect of your life.

Staying active will aid in a person’s efforts to overcome rejection. Go for a run, hit the gym, or take your dog for a walk. These activities will help your mind and allow you to focus on other things besides the reason behind rejection. In addition, exercise helps to relieve one’s stress, which might ensue once an individual has experienced some type of rejection.

Michael Small, a junior social work student, takes time to himself when dealing with rejection. “I usually go to Pier Village to get some fresh air and figure life out. Rejection can always be a learning experience too, so I think about how to prevent any type of rejection in the future,” said Small. 

After being rejected from an internship, job, or school program it is important to reflect on what you can improve on to better yourself to meet future qualifications. Rejection reminds us that we are a work in progress, and there is always room for the expansion of knowledge and growth in the area of our expertise.

Kayla Cardona, a senior communication student, explained that rejection makes her feel as if she was not good enough. “I used to take acting classes growing up and whenever I would go to a casting call I would be really bummed if I did not get a call back. That experience taught me that life has a plan set out for everyone; I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. If someone is rejected for whatever case it may be, it means that life has something better planned for you,” said Cardona.

Eleanor Novek, a professor of communication, believes that rejection can sometimes be a positive thing. “I can tell you a funny story. Once I applied for a teaching position that I thought I really wanted. When I learned that I was not hired, I was upset. But when I accepted a different position, I met my husband and we have had many good years together. So rejections can have a silver lining” Novek stated.

Reframing rejection in a positive light reminds us that experience was not a part of our plan. We must recognize that the denial we experience in life might lead to future triumph. Surrounding yourself with positivity and remaining optimistic is vital in the effort to overcoming rejection. 

Natalie Toro, a junior biology student, believes that a support system is necessary when dealing with rejection. “Whether it is family or friends, it is important to have people there for you to remind you that there are other opportunities out there. I tend to surround myself with positive quotes and positive people. I also do things that I really enjoy and put me at peace, like a walk on the beach, painting, or listening to music. Any rejection in a job or relationship does not define who I am or my worth,” said Toro.

The next time the opportunity for rejection rolls around, use these ways to help overcome that rejection and always remember that when you experience rejection, you might  be redirected to something better. To state the old age, “When one door closes, another opens.” Harping on past failures blinds an individual of future possibilities and opportunities, so stay positive.

PHOTO TAKEN by Lauren Niesz