Students Talk Sylvia

Students Talk “Sylvia”

Having a “ruff” semester? Come see Sylvia!

The Monmouth University Theatre Department proudly presents: Sylvia, a hilarious play about a man, his dogs, and all the antics that come with their unbreakable bond. Sylvia, written by A.R. Gurney, is set in modern Manhattan, where Greg (Mark Cayne) and Kate (Samantha Truglio) decide to move after 22 years of marriage and their children have gone off to college.

Greg, a financial trader, goes to the park on his lunch break and meets Sylvia (Kara D’Antoni), a sassy, spunky stray dog looking for a new home. The two connect immediately, however Kate does not approve of housing a dog at this point in their lives.

Along the way, Greg and Kate encounter several characters that try to help them through their new lifestyle with Sylvia. First, Tom (Christian Lombino) a fellow dog park goer with a good-looking golden named Bowser.

Next, Phyllis (London Jones) a high-society woman with a bit of a drinking problem. Finally, we are introduced to Leslie (Erin Clemente), an androgynous marriage consoler that has some personal issues as well.

Mark Cayne, a senior communication student, explained, “I play the character Greg, he is Sylvia’s owner. He is married to a woman named Kate and their marriage is in trouble because of how much attention he’s paying to Sylvia and how much he’s complimenting her over his wife. He is saying things to Sylvia that he hasn’t said to his wife in years.” Cayne went on to say, “It’s an uncanny relationship that they have which plays for a lot of comedy in the show and plays to the why him and his wife are in a bit of a mess right now.”

Samantha Truglio, a junior psychology and theatre student, explained why Kate is not too happy with a hyper dog in her home, “Kate is this proper English teacher…she’s trying to get Shakespeare into inner city schools. She likes things in order, she likes quietness, and things calm and structured…”

Sylvia is directed by John J. Burke, an associate theatre professor. Burke expressed, “I picked this show for a couple of reasons…I thought it was a comedy worth doing, it’s not necessarily a knee-slapper, it is funny, but there’s still a purpose to the story…” Burke went on to say, “I’m a dog lover…dogs add a lot to your life and most are able to sense when you’re sad or upset. They react to your emotions and it’s more important to be with you than doing what they want to do…it’s that feeling in the show that I find attractive.”

Something special about this production is the closeness and chemistry between the cast.  London Jones, a freshman communication student, said, “I really enjoy that it is a small cast, we’re all very close to one another and it makes me feel really comfortable…I don’t get nervous trying new things or making choices because I know there is no judgment in the area”

Erin Clemente, a junior music industry and theatre student, continued to stress the connection between the cast members by stating, “We all get along really well…this cast is becoming like a family now. So, we’re at a nice transition in a rehearsal process, which is good.” Another beautiful aspect of this cast is how much they support and care for each other.

Christian Lombino, a junior psychology student, said, “I think the cast is star-studded, very talented individuals, very professional, hard-working, goal oriented. We all care about our work very much and want to put on a very good show. It’s the best class of the day, coming here every night and rehearsing.”

Sylvia will be running Feb. 28, March 1-4 and 6-8 at the Lauren K. Woods Theatre.

For ticket information call the box office at (732)-263-6889 and follow “@sylviaatmonmouth” on Instagram for updates and an inside view on the rehearsal process.