
Balancing It All

Maintain a high GPA, attend all of your classes, work so that you can spend your money when you go out, keep your room clean, pay your bills –sounds like a piece of cake, right? This life of a typical Monmouth University student calls it the norm – and finding a balance between it all can be extremely stressful.


On Vs. Off Campus Living

When it comes to living off campus and commuting, it should be broken down into two categories: living with parents and commuting from home or renting a place off campus nearby. Since coming to Monmouth, I’ve done both and there’s a lot to say about the pros and cons of each. Residential life, however, also has its perks. Which is better? You decide.

future hearts

All Time Low prepares to rock the MAC with new album, “Future Hearts”

It’s been two years since their last visit and almost everyone has been waiting for it to happen again. Baltimore-based band All Time Low is coming to Monmouth once more on their spring “Future Hearts Tour” featuring accompanying bands Tonight Alive, State Champs, and Issues on Friday, April 17. The album, which matches the name of the tour, was just released on Tuesday, April 7, following two singles, “Something’s Gotta Give” and “Kids in the Dark.” This is All Time Low’s sixth album, and while some think it’s a great new chapter in the journey that is All Time Low’s career, others beg to differ.