Featured (List) News

Intercultural Center to Host BHM Events

In honor of Black History Month (BHM), the Intercultural Center will host lectures, alumni panels, artists, and social events available to all members of the Monmouth community throughout the entire month of February. BHM’s national theme this year is African Americans and the Arts. The Intercultural Center has 12 events scheduled, some of which are […]

Featured (List) News

MSN-FNP Program Named One of the Best in Northeast Region

Monmouth University’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) track has been recognized as one of the best FNP programs in the Northeast region by GraduateNursingEdu.org, ranking sixth out of ten for 2023. The Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies offers programs for career experiences and levels of education […]

Featured (Slider) News

Class of 2027 is Most Academically-Prepared Class

Monmouth University’s Class of 2027 has qualified as being the most academically prepared class in the University’s 90-year history, flaunting the most noteworthy grade point average of any incoming first-year cohort at 3.64. This class has also exceeded previous benchmarks of out-of-state and Honors School enrollments while simultaneously boasting a record number of first-generation and […]


Happiness or Financial Stability?

When it comes time to find a job, there are preferences people keep in mind, such as length of commute and level of flexibility. However, there are two key preferences that most people prioritize above all else: happiness and financial stability. In other words, you want to work in an environment that makes you feel […]


Is Honesty the Best Policy?

Honesty is something so simple to understand, yet its application is widely debated. A simple Google search will yield hundreds of definitions, all of which describe the virtue as the absence of deceit. Benjamin Franklin famously coined the phrase, “Honesty is the best policy,” which he used to convey how it is better to speak […]