
Should online class be an option in college?

Ever since the year 2020, it has seemed like online classes have become much more accessible at school’s all across the country, including college campuses. Although the thought of taking an online course sounds nice, there are definitely some aspects about online courses that are not good for students. The editors at The Outlook were […]


Where does our tuition go?

Throughout many students’ time at Monmouth, at the end of March, students and faculty receive the news that tuition is rising. This past March, it was announced by President Leahy that tuition would go up by 3.75%. An immediate thought to students is: where is our tuition going, and why? With many changes to campus, […]


Advice for the freshmen from The Outlook staff

The beginning of the academic year is stressful on all students, but one group of college attendees may especially feel the stressful effects of the start of school: freshmen. Freshman year is so tough; being away from home, living with total strangers, learning to make new friends, and adjusting to a college-student schedule, are just […]