Time To Travel

Time to Travel

When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit the United States last year, the travel industry came to a complete halt. Over the course of the summer, people began to venture out a little bit more, but mostly sticking to small road trips. With more and more people gaining access to COVID-19 vaccinations, the light is finally at the end of the tunnel. After over a year of isolation, it’s safe to say that we are itching to get out of our houses. Armed with the right precautions and equipment, travel is possible right now.

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What is Normal?

Life over the past year has been nothing short of crazy. One day we were sitting in on lectures, going to the gym, and attending parties with our friends. Come the next day, we were locked inside with no end to the pandemic in sight. It was a tragic and scary part of our lives in which we had no choice but to adapt. Now, most of us have adjusted to this new way of life. We moved the classroom into our bedrooms, the gym into our living rooms, and “parties’’ consist of hanging out with your parents and your dog.

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Eating Disorders

No matter where you look on social media platforms, you can find that eating disorders are being glorified whether it’s on TikTok, Instagram or Facebook. Even though there have been strides made towards body positivity, eating disorders are not a thing of the past just yet. One of the main problems with eating disorders is that some people do not know they have them. Diet culture has become so toxic, that differentiating a diet and an eating disorder is a very thin line. Influencers have played a huge role in disordered eating through their content whether they realize it or not. It’s crucial that people who are consuming this content, especially females, are educated about eating disorders.

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Tips for Success During Online Classes

One of the biggest challenges regarding online classes is staying focused and productive. Whether it be Netflix, online shopping, or social media, it is super easy to get distracted with all of the things around us. It is important to create a balance between self-instruction and leisure time when it comes to online classes. With these few tips and tricks, you will have some spare time and keep on track with your classes.       

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Coronavirus vs. Flu

News of the coronavirus outbreak has been captivating media outlets around the world as of late January and it is hard not to stay informed about the deadly illness. The coronavirus is a type of virus that has a bunch of different strains, some of which cause diseases. The virus causing the worldwide pandemic is COVID-19, and its symptoms can look very similar to the flu. According to John Hopkins Medicine, both of these viruses cause a fever, cough, body aches, fatigue, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms can range mild or severe, and sometimes fatal. Lastly, both have the potential to result in pneumonia.