
Barbarian- A Horror Film Without Barbarians

Contrary to what the title may portray, the only barbaric thing about Barbarian was how painfully boring it was to watch. This horror mystery movie was anything but scary. Barbarian follows a woman named Tess, played by Georgina Campbell, who comes to the city of Detroit for a job interview. When Tess arrives in Detroit, […]


A Chilling Look Into Smile

Though the movie is called Smile, it had me anything but smiling during the entire film. This movie lives up to its genre, being horror/psychological thriller. Smile has a sense of constant eerie uneasiness. This film is not in your face with the jump scares; it takes its time scaring you and constantly keeping you […]


What You Eat Matters

Eating is a habitual, life necessitating habit that sustains day-to-day functioning. While we can all agree how essential food is in our lives, the topic in question is about the type of food we allow into our bodies.Different foods have different effects on the way we move, feel, look, and think. Most of us have […]


Has Technology Become Too Convenient?

In the year 2022, technology is fundamentally built into our lives. There is no escaping it, from our smartphones to our watches, laptops, tablets, and fridges. Technology is great—people can instantly message one another and track where they have been, what they have eaten, and their sleep schedule. It has even gotten so advanced that […]


Monmouth Back To Normal

After two and a half long years of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, and testing for COVID-19, I think school is finally getting back to normal. The dining hall and Student Center food court are two areas on campus that reflect the normalcy most of us know and love. The dining hall has sliverware and […]


Electronics in the Class

Now that we’re entering the post-COVID era, the question of going digital in class remains: Should students ditch their laptops for traditional pen and paper? All the classes I enrolled in the semester do not permit the use of laptops in their class; instead, students are expected to jot down notes by hand in traditional […]


Returning to Normalcy on Campus: A Semester of Progress

As the first somewhat regular semester ends, my perception of Monmouth University has changed since last year. I came to Monmouth University when it was all online with minimal to no hybrid classes. While the online format of Monmouth University for the years 2020 to 2021 was convenient, it was significantly lackluster. There were barely […]


Who Makes The Classroom

An essential part of the classroom is the students, but possibly the critical part of the class is the professor teaching it. All professors have a different style of teaching, which may or may not fit the way you want to be taught. Some teachers like to give out PowerPoint slides for notes, while others […]