As my four years here at Monmouth come to a close, I look back at my entire college experience and cannot imagine how it could have turned out any better.
Author: KYLE O
#Evolution #of #the #Hashtag
#Blessed, #FitFam, #Coachella2015, #TheAvengers, #JonandKimGetMarried. Hashtags. Once recognized as simply the pound button, hashtags have become second nature to social media users.
Jay Z’s Music Streamer Tidal: One for All or All for One?
For as long as humankind has existed, music has followed them. With music genres, songs and artists defining every era, culture and country, humans and music have, and always will be, connected.
Long Distance Relationships: Worth the Wait
In a world of seven billion people, what makes being committed to one person worth forgoing every other option out there?
Success Calls for You to Leave Your Comfort Zone
Make Simple Changes Now to Prepare You for the Next Stages
Time and time again as I have grown up, I have heard people say, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Like most things in life, it is much easier said than done. As the end of my academic life approaches, I find myself longing to make this last semester last as long as possible.
What to Wear to ‘Spring’ into this Season’s Fashion
Snow may still be covering parts of the ground, but do not be fooled, warm weather will be here before you can say Winter Storm Juno. Since outdoor activities are still taking a back seat to staying in a warm heated house, what better way to keep your mind off the cold weather than shopping in preparation for those hot summer nights.
Roadtripping the USA
Great American song writer and singer, Willie Nelson, once sang, “On the road again,
Spring Break on a Budget: Being Smart about Saving and Spending
Spring break is swiftly approaching. Tropical beaches, foreign cities and unexplored lands are at the front of everyone’s mind. And while scouring through blogs and articles about the best things to do at you intended destination is the fun part of travel, budgeting is the part a lot of us tend to overlook. It’s easy to make a list of all the best attractions in your destination. What’s not easy is knowing how much you are going to spend.
Forget if You’re Overworked, Underpaid: The Perks of a Part-Time Job
College: Arguably the four most critical years of developing into who you are. You learn a lot of things in college, like how to balance equations, how to properly use MLA format, or how to write press releases.
New Year, New You: How to Achieve and Keep That 2015 Figure
New year, new me. Another year has started once again, and with another year comes a vow from so many to make this the year they reach their fitness goals. Vowing to get in shape is a lot easier said than done. Luckily, there are tips and tricks to keeping on these fitness plans until goals are met, or at least before that big spring break vacation hits!