Since we only get four years at college, why not make them the best we can? Often times, students journey through college and never experience the full package of all that their undergraduate experience has to offer simply because they get too caught up in schoolwork or extracurricular activities. If you clear the 33 tasks below before graduating, you are well on your way to cap the surface of your undergraduate years.
Who’s Who in SGA Jackie Reed President Pro-Tempore
Jackie Reed is a senior, holding the position of President Pro-Tempore on the Student Government Association’s Senate. She is a communication major focusing on the public relations and journalism cluster. Her position involves filling in for the Vice President of SGA if he or she in not present, and delegates tasks.
It’s Not About What You Know, It’s Who You Know
It’s an all-too-common story: student works hard and earns A’s throughout their four years of college, takes on an internship, takes part in activities that will be an asset to their resume, graduates… and then cannot find a job.
Students Stop and Yield to New Commuter Lot
Here at the University, commuter parking has always been a controversial issue. Commuters complain about the number of parking spaces and the administration tries to figure out ways to make the parking situation a little better. Over the summer, the main commuter lot was renovated and a new traffic pattern was installed.
Who’s Who in SGA: Oscar Sanchez – Vice President
Oscar Sanchez, a junior, is majoring in Communications with a specialization in Public Relations and Journalism. His minors are Business Administration and Information Technology. After college, Sanchez hopes to receive his Masters degree in Communication either at San Diego State, New York University, Boston University, or the University of Miami. Ultimately, he wants to work […]
Club and Greek Announcements 9/21/11
Italian Club
VP Administrative Services
To our new freshmen, “Welcome!” and to our upperclassmen, “Wel-come Back!” We’re excited to have you bring your life and vitality to campus as you pursue your academic and research goals. Facili-ties Management is here to help. Our staff maintains and operates the physical, environmental and mechanical facilities of our campus so that you can focus on your studies.
Who’s Who in SGA: Nicole Levy – President
Levy, a senior, is the newly elected President of the Student Government Association (SGA).
All Lifestyles Included
As we begin another fun-filled, productive year at Monmouth University, ALI would like to welcome back all new and returning students, faculty, and staff! With the goals of both catering to the LGBT and supporting population on campus, as well as promoting awareness of LGBT issues, ALI hopes to foster a sense of community and […]
Honor, Remember and Carry On
As we return to the Monmouth campus after a short and humid summer, there are other things on our minds besides setting up our dorm rooms and preparing for classes.