Elite Dangerous 3

“Elite Dangerous” Misses its Mark

Elite Dangerous has one of the most impressive foundations I’ve seen in the space simulation genre. The controls are complex yet precise, the sound is phenomenal, and the graphics are riveting.  Put all of this together, and you have one of the most atmospherically immersive space-sims I’ve had the pleasure to play (and I’ve played quite a few). Unfortunately, Elite Dangerous has a substantial fatal flaw: its lack of depth and content.


“Constantine” Lights Up NBC

DC Comics originally came up with John Constantine for the Hellblazer series, and since its first issue in 1988, both the series and character have been iconic in the comic book industry. Constantine, known for his trench coat, skinny red tie, and near-constant smoking, made his way to the big screen in 2005, as portrayed by Keanu Reeves. However, the comic series ended in 2013, being replaced with the Constantine comic series that features the New 52 John Constantine, who is both younger and was the leader of Justice League Dark, a version of the Justice League that focuses on the supernatural heroes/heroines and their otherworldly foe.


Live Your “Fantasy Life”

Have you ever wanted to wear a cape while walking your dog and holding a sword? Maybe you wanted to make a name for yourself hunting monsters and fulfilling the requests of a glowing, chattering butterfly. Or perhaps you wanted to live in a fantasy world where you can change professions at will, and wander around at your leisure, doing anything from saving the world to interior design. Whatever your desire, you can do it in Level 5’s new role-playing game (RPG) Fantasy Life for the Nintendo 3DS.


“Ultimax’s” Place Within the “Persona” Series

As a “Persona 3” fan, I felt let down by the plot of “Ultimax” (although the “Persona 4” fan in me was satisfied). Within the “Persona” series, “Persona 3 and 4” are night and day. “Persona 3” is about gaining strength by facing one’s own death. The Latin phrase “Memento Mori” is displayed during the opening sequence; it is then translated as “remember that you will die” (and a lot of people die in this game). Every time there is a fight in “Persona 3,” the main characters raise a gun-like object (called an evoker) to their head and pull the trigger.


Exploring “The Evil Within ”

The video game community has been clamoring for a return to good old-fashioned survival horror, and they were promised just that when “Resident Evil” creator Shinji Mikami was announced as the game director for “The Evil Within,” developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. This highly anticipated title was promoted with phrases like “ammo scarcity” and “nightmare inducing,” with the trailers showing the protagonist, Sebastian Castellanos, sneaking through dark, trap-laden corridors stalked by hulking monstrosities. Above all, the world was promised that this would not be a “Resident Evil” game.