
The Flawed Arguments of the “Gamergate” Controversy

One of the main reasons many people in the gaming community have heard about ‘Gamergate’ (something that is neither representative of gamers, nor comparable to Watergate in any real way) is because Anita Sarkeesian, a self-described “feminist media-critic/blogger” has seized upon the conflict (if one can even call it that) to draw attention to her own personal agenda. Sarkeesian believes that the portrayal of women in video games is sexist, and has used the issue of ‘Gamergate’ to help her criticism gain traction. According to MSNBC’s The Reid Report, ‘Gamergate’ is “an online battle of the sexes over how gamers are portrayed, and the sometimes violent reaction to women who speak out.” As far as I can see, this is what some in the media would like it to be, but not what it is. This entire controversy feels manufactured.


U2 Releases New Album

Whether You Want It Or Not

When students checked Twitter a few days ago, most thought the tweets regarding the Irish band U2’s new album, “Songs of Innocence,” were a joke. How could every single iPhone have inexplicably downloaded the same CD? Through the mysterious qualities of the iCloud, this bizarre situation really happened — and not everyone is happy with Apple’s gift.


‘River Read Reading Series’ Hosts Established Poets and Aspiring Writers

The Manhattan Bagel in Red Bank, NJ, served as the host of this month’s River Read Reading Series, coordinated by Linda Jade and Gregg Brown, on Saturday, Sept. 20. This community-focused event brings celebrated poets into a close setting with a few dozen eager listeners, letting them autograph their works for paying fans, and ends with an open mic for aspiring writers to share their own work.


Welcome to Shondaland

Shonda Rhimes Launches Bold Thursday Night Lineup “Thank God it’s Thursday!” shouted one of the marketing executives at ABC, or so I’m assuming. When ABC announced their new Thursday night lineup would feature not one, not two, but THREE Shonda Rhimes shows, it’s safe to say fans were beyond thrilled. Rhimes is a force that […]