
“The Hobbit” Sequel Succeeds

Peter Jackson’s second installment of J.RR. Tolkien’s novel, “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” follows a group of dwarves on a mission led by Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage)to take back the lands that once belonged to the dwarves during their period of success, growth, and stability. Their homeland is demolished by the tyrannical dragon, Smaug (a CGI version of Benedict Cumberbatch) who uses his great size and strengths to destroy the land of Erebor, the kingdom of the Lonely Mountain, and acquire all its riches, leaving many slain.


Disney’s “Frozen” Melts Hearts

When “Frozen” was first advertised last year, I’ll admit I was skeptical of what Disney was trying to accomplish with this film. With the exception of “Tangled” and “Toy Story 3,” the past few years of Disney films have not been a portrayal of their best work. Yet, “Frozen” was a pleasant surprise that gave me that same giddy feeling as when I watched other classics like “The Little Mermaid” or  “Beauty and the Beast” as a child.


Get Back in the Studio

If anything helped define the music landscape this year, it was the insane amount of high profile artist comebacks made throughout the year. From hugely popular artists like Justin Timberlake, Daft Punk, and David Bowie to less popular (but no less important) music groups like My Bloody Valentine, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Boards of Canada, it seemed like nearly every artist any big music fan wanted to return to the scene either released an awesome new album or went on a big comeback tour.


“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” Lights a Spark at the Box Office

This weekend, “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” had the largest Thanksgiving box office on record, earning over $110 million from Wednesday to Sunday. The movie got into record books, but did it stay true to the book that it is adapted from? I’m a book lover, which often makes me hate movies. Every once in a while, though, there is an adaptation like “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” that makes a perfect transition from page to screen.