“Bruce Songs: The Music of Bruce Springsteen, Album-by-Album, Song-by-Song” by Kenneth L. Campbell and Kenneth Womack Monmouth University is no stranger to Bruce Springsteen. With our Bruce Springsteen Archives and their current expansion underway, Monmouth is the proud location for various aspects of Springsteen’s history. On Sep. 23, 2024, “Bruce Songs: The Music of Bruce […]
Body issues and the effect of social media on college students
The Renfrew Center is an eating disorder treatment facility located in North Jersey whose goal is to help educate college students on the concern of body image issues. Renfrew hosted a full day of webinars on Oct. 10 of this year, the date of World Mental Health Day, that covered topics such as “Silencing Shame […]
Club Wrestling moves practice and competition space
The Monmouth University club wrestling team hosted their first match of the year onNov. 15, and for the first time, in Anacon Hall. The team has expanded from three to 30members in a year and has moved into an on-campus practice space. Now, the club practices in the basement of Cedar Hall and shares the […]
School spirit on the walls of the Student Center
A new mural by Jonathan Conner, a Graphic Designer for the university’s Marketing Department, now adorns the walls of the student center, celebrating iconic symbols associated with campus and promoting school spirit. Measuring 6ft tall and about 30 ft wide, his project took 2 weeks to complete, with shiftslasting from 8 to 10 hours. The […]
“Electo Electro 2024” Interactive Display
The “Electo Electro 2024” interactive political parody exhibit created by Mike Richison, M.F.A., Associate Art and Design Professor, is on display in the Rechnitz Hall Rotary Ice House Gallery. The exhibit uses voting booths that allow the audience to pick from preselected clips taken from presidential debates and rallies, and remix them to create a […]
Crowdfunding for clubs: a new way to raise money
Need more funding for your on-campus club or or- ganization? Crowdfunding can be a powerful tool to help raise extra funds for your members to thrive and suc- ceed. Crowdfunding is a way for clubs and organizations across campus to raise funds over one to two month period. Emily Blaser, Digital Giving Officer at Alumni […]
Hawk TV’s new show: Creation Corner
Hawk TV has debuted a show that highlights the variety of talents students possess across Monmouth University, Creation Corner, which is 30 minutes long and is taped bi-weekly. From performances to showcases, Creation Corner features a wide range of topics and interests from across campus. The show is recorded every other Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. […]
Introverted excellence: Confessions of a solo scholar
When I was in high school, I’d often get asked a variation of the same, seemingly burning question: “What are your plans for the weekend?” At the time, I could rely on my family as an excuse. A quick, “No, sorry, I have plans with my family this weekend,” or my ultimate favorite, “My mom […]
2024 Homecoming recap
When students came back from fall break, the Student Government Association (SGA) kicked off this year’s homecoming activities from Oct. 16 to Oct. 19. The theme for this year was The Flight of the Future. Starting on Oct. 16, on the newly named Nagy Commons, SGA celebrated Shadow’s birthday with cupcakes and Shadow the Hawk […]