Back To School Blues

No More Back-to-School Blues

Starting classes. Making friends. Mounds of homework. These and many more things are the cause of stress for millions of students returning to college and arriving for the first time. There are different types of stress that can affect students, which can ultimately affect their performance at school and their mental health.      

Afanador 1

“I Care. I Care a Lot, it’s Kinda My Thing” | Alexandria Afanador’s Senior Goodbye

I remember when I was young, growing up I wanted so desperately to be older- I would drag my little feet around the house in someone else’s high heels, rub bright crimson lipstick across my lips, eventually smearing it on everything I touched. Being the youngest of four older half sisters, I looked at them as adults, not siblings. I wanted to be like them: traipsing around with significant others, graduating high school, being their own people–just like the movies. I didn’t know that when I got older, it came with a number of other things less glamorous than walking the halls hand in hand with friends. But, still, here I am today, looking back on the years I’ve spent wishing to be older, more mature, having an aura of seriousness and elegance that I couldn’t even imagine having, let alone deserving.