Tigers Ducks Hawks Oh My

Tigers, Ducks, and Hawks Oh My!

What’s better than being named a Top 10 college in New Jersey? Being named a Top 5 college! What’s better than that? Top 3! Wait, slow down everyone, we’re not there just yet. But 2018 is just around the corner and Monmouth is bound to continue to be recognized by both the state and national polls as a highly acclaimed university that excels in both academics and athletics.


In Joe, We Trust

“Me? What’s so special about me?” Joe Lynam, safety guard at the Monmouth University Library asked as the corners of his mouth turned upward. He was in a perfectly pressed police uniform with a gold name plate reading “Joe” on the left side. His white mustache lifted into a grin; he was wondering why I would want to interview him.

Life After Graduation 1

What’s Next?

Life After Graduation: Graduate Studies

After graduating from Monmouth University in the spring of 2017, English undergraduate student, Lauren Niesz, decided she loved Monmouth so much she needed to come back. Now a computer science graduate student, Niesz wanted to continue the work she had been doing in the past, and incorporate it into her new life at Monmouth.