
The Generation of #BeastMode

I recently read a statistic saying that within the next 10 years or so, 85 percent of the United States will be overweight. I’m leaving out the fact that I read this while eating a large bowl of pasta. I questioned this a little, because in the next 10 years my generation will be in their 30s and because our generation is obsessed with going to the gym. It’s not just our generation either. Even when I go to the school gym, there are professors and other adults running on the treadmills.


A Realistic Attempt at a Week of Positivity

As a nation, every time we turn on the news or go onto social media sites, terror, war and disease fill our screens. Rarely is there a story majorly publicized about happiness or good deeds. Even when there are stories of love and hope, people suddenly forget about them when something terrible happens. In a world surrounded by and focused on negativity, it would do people good to find the positives in life.


Romantic Comedies Ask: What is “Love Actually?”

You’re at a Starbucks, ordering your mocha-frappa-latte-chino concoction with sweet caramel drizzled on the frothy foam. The man in front of you is yelling to the barista about how he can taste the whole milk in his latte-mcfrapp drink, when he had originally asked for skim. As the arrogant whole milk tasting customer exits the coffee shop, he drops a 20-dollar bill on the floor which you pick up and put in the tip jar. “Karma’s a b***h,” you say to the barista as a smile caresses your face.


A Look Through The Camera Lens

Her Tumblr page is overflowing with photographs of animals of different species, diverse landscapes, uniquely captured human moments and ordinary objects. What do these photos have in common? Jordan Richards is in every single one of them. While her golden-green eyes may not be the subject of every shot, they are the lenses through which these pieces of art were created.


Not Your Typical American Girl

On April 17, 1975, as the Khmer Rouge seized the capital of Phnom Penh, the life of a six-year-old girl named Bopha Yonge was changed forever. Her family was driven out of their village of Bātdâmbâng and with millions of others, was forced straight into Hell. In a country that is less than half the size of CA, leader of Khmer Rouge and paramilitary dictator Pol Pot sought out to purify Cambodia and eliminate educated people in order to nationalize peasant farming. More than one million people died.


Like Mother, Like Daughter

There is a time in everyone’s lives where we think, “I’m not going to be like my parents.” Whether it’s their thoughts and opinions on something or how they disciplined us when we did something wrong, everyone thinks they will be different. Of course, in some ways, we are different from our parents. We were all born and raised in different generations, had different life experiences, and for the most part, we have different tastes in everything. At the end of the day though, we are our parent’s children. Whether we have different personalities or not, we had to have gotten something from them, right?