
Jersey Shore Roller Girls

“You need to be 18+ with health insurance,” read a poster posted on the Asbury Park Boardwalk. There are posters all over the city advertising “to become A Jersey Shore Roller Girl.”  Who would ever want to join a team that promotes enrollment with their main specification being health insurance? Surly, you would think, only people who have gone mad would look into joining a team like that.


The Unfriend Zone

As the warm weather finally approaches, most of us will take part in the annual ritual of spring-cleaning. For some, this means going through old winter wardrobes and cleaning and dusting to our heart’s content. For others, this means spring cleaning through their social media, deleting frivolous accounts and even filtering whom they are in contact with. “Unfriending” is an odd two-sided coin. On the one hand, there is the person going through their list of friends, choosing which ones they decide to stay connected to through these online social medias, creating the question of why we unfriend people.


How to Heal Your Hangover: A Step-by-Step Guide

You wake up on the wrong side of the bed. At least you’re in a bed. You have to rub your eyes a few times before they actually open. You’re still wearing the same shirt as last night! How could you do such a thing? There’s your shoes, sprawled out across the floor along with your wallet. You reach for your phone. It’s 10 am and you’ve got four missed calls, 10 texts, and five percent battery left. You always charge your phone before bed! What were you thinking? Oh wait, you weren’t thinking. And then you realize that it’s too early and your head is pounding to the beat of some techno song you heard last night. Yup, you definitely should have resisted that last Tequila Sunrise.


Top Five University Fun Facts

Get up, go to class, eat lunch, procrastinate, do some homework (possibly), and go to bed. So is the life of most college students Monday through Friday, which at times can seem repetitive and dull. However, there are many little things about the University and the local area that can perk up the redundant schedule of everyday college life. So here are some facts you may not know about dear old Monmouth.