
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust

“Time goes too fast,” they said when I started high school. “Stop trying to grow up,” my parents told me the first time I stayed out too late. Looking back, I wish I had listened and embraced my youth, but at the time all I could think about was driving that old car just over the speed limit, or getting into that “R” rated movie. To be able to hand over my ID and say, “one ticket please,” with the confidence of a twenty-something professional career woman was the dream, and I thought I was living it.


Deck the Walls

Holiday decorations fill the shelves all the year round, but specifically in fall and winter, the stores begin to overload with products. Some repeated from past years and others have new products in hopes of gaining more consumers. However, it comes to a point where the amount of holiday items that are for sale, and the timing of when they are put out in the store seems to be ridiculous to some while others it seems to be not enough time.


Staying Close to Those You Love Most

College is a time to create yourself as a new person or further develop your personality through new friendships, new activities and most importantly, new classes. It can be a challenge to stay close to old friends from home or even family. Some students even find themselves balancing a long distance relationship. However, it is possible to stay close to loved ones throughout college.


The Arc of Monmouth: A One Stop Shop for Disability Services

The Arc of Monmouth is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to “improve the lives of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. This is accomplished through advocacy services and supports, cooperation with community partners and community education.  The Arc of Monmouth also works to prevent the causes and effects of intellectual and developmental disabilities.”


Staying Young in a Grown-Up World

College is often thought of as the last four years to be young before one is forced to enter the real world, but for many, the pressures to grow up begin during freshman year. The new responsibility of being on one’s own combined with juggling classes, friendships, work, athletics, and everything else that college has to offer can catapult college students into adulthood before they are ready.