
200 Percent: Overcoming Life’s Curve Ball

He steps up on the mound, foot on the rubber and leans forward to pick up the sign from his catcher. Going through his motion, the ball is fired toward home plate. Yet, unlike most left-handed pitchers, there is an extra step for 21-year-old Bryan Sullivan. Rather than following through beyond releasing the ball, Sullivan brings his left hand, the hand he just threw the ball with, into his glove readying him for what may come back.


Volunteering is More Than Free Labor

When picturing the lifestyle of a typical college student, the thought of getting involved on campus in a way that does not include going to class or getting invites to parties is usually not the main focus. Many people tend to forget that amidst all of the schoolwork and social aspects of college life, volunteering and joining clubs is also a very crucial part of the experience.


Can You Hear Me Now? Put Down the Phone!

Nowadays, many would agree it would be difficult to live without their cell phone, something created to be fast and convenient with the ability to satisfy business or work related matters and entertainment all in one. What more could you ask for? Email, Internet, camera/video and music are just a few applications that come as a standard with most cell phones these days.