
Flee the Flu

It’s that glorious time of year again. When the days get busier and the nights grow colder, we all fall victim to symptoms of the common cold and flu; and of course, the true Grinch of winter never has convenient timing. “Who has the time to get sick now a days?” said senior Sonya Shah.


Remember That Time?

Is It Those Nostalgic Memories That Define Our Friendships?

Friendship, a relationship between two people, who hold mutual affection for one another; a shared bond that makes someone who is not blood related, feel like family. What in the world would we be without our friends, right? Remember That Time?


‘Cool’ Story Bro

From the time that we first begin to interact with others, we become acutely aware of what is supposedly ‘cool’ and what is not. Still today, as students in college, we pride ourselves on the notion of being the coolest, the most popular, and the best liked by our peers. But what exactly does it mean to be cool?


Put Procrastination Off Until Later

The art of procrastination lies somewhere in between the confidence we have in ourselves and the anxiety we face to perform. Depending on the difficulty of the assignment or project, whether it is work related or personal, time is the main factor hindering efficiency. Time represents the amount of hours or minutes or days spent working towards a goal, and for the start of finals week, time is something we usually put off. Be- cause of the confidence we have in performing to the deadline, we normally work better under stress.

Count Down

The Count Down to Winter Break Begins

Thanksgiving break has come and gone, but have students really gotten back into school mode? “No way,” said freshman Sarah McGrail. “Definitely not,” sophomore Caroline Keating agreed. Between the unavoidable and completely unexpected two-week break caused by Hurricane Sandy, the four-day Thanksgiving weekend shortly after, and the current anticipation for winter break in just three short weeks, the last thing on students’ minds right now is their schoolwork.


A New Meaning for Thanksgiving

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, many who live by the shore have lost everything. Freshman Samantha Barnwell, who lives in Oceanport, knows that despite having lost her home due to the storm, that it is important to be thankful for what we have, appreciate one another and to share the joys of past fond memories. Barnwell has lived in Monmouth County for all of her life and is very thankful to be from the area. “Growing up in Monmouth County meant so much to me. My dad grew up here with his family so it is very special to me. I remember building snowmen in my front yard in the winters, hunting for Easter eggs in my backyard, amazing fun filled summers in Lavallette, and playing in the leaves that my dad raked in the fall. I have spent 18 years in Monmouth County and I am proud to be from here,” said Barnwell.