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The Price of a College Education

Understanding the Tuition and ‘Fees’ at a Higher Institution

Today’s economy has most students and their families constantly stalking their checkbooks. With the already suffering economic conditions in the United States, a college education only puts more financial stress on families and individuals. This can make us take a step back and wonder where our college tuition is really going.

There Were Ten

And Then There Were Ten

Rapunzel Becomes Tenth Official Disney Princess

She came running and racing and dancing and chasing and leaping, heart pounding, hair flying and splashing and reeling and finally feeling that now is when her life begins. And between escaping her tower, befriending ruffians and thugs, discovering she is the lost princess, and finding true love, life for Rapunzel and her 70 feet of healing, magical hair, has indeed begun. Only begun, in fact.