Lactose Free Recipes

No Dairy? No Problem: Lactose-Free Recipes

The struggle is real, and it has been exceptionally real for me. For the past three years, I have endured awful stomach pain. After several misdiagnoses and countless doctor visits, I found out that I am lactose intolerant.  Lactose intolerance means that your body has a deficiency of the enzyme lactase which aids in the digestion of lactose, a sugar found in milk. I had to immediately change my lifestyle, and the transition has not been easy. The only bright side to lactose intolerance is that I do not need to be on any medications; I simply have to avoid anything that contains lactose. There are many alternatives and lactose-free recipes I have found to make this transition into a lactose-free diet a bit simpler. For those of you that know the struggle of being lactose-intolerant, I hope that you will give some of these recipes a try. 

Tattos In Workplace

Tattoo or Taboo?

The Growing Acceptance of Tattoos in the Workplace

Throughout the years there have been many changes made to the social norms in the world, especially in the 21st century. A lot of the older and more traditional ways and views have begun to fade out with the newer generations. Over the years, tattoos were considered to be taboo within our culture. They were frowned upon and not allowed in workplaces at all. One of the biggest questions for students when approaching the end of their college career and getting ready to enter the ‘real world’ is what is the next step? A job is the usual next step, but not the only one.

Mans Best Friend 1

“Man’s Best Friend” is More Than Just a Companion

“Man’s best friend” might have more benefits than just keeping you company. There are proven health benefits that pet ownership has on an individual. Researchers have found after 25 years of findings that pets have positive effects on the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of a person’s wellness. From decreasing stress to guiding the visually impaired, our furry friends have a tremendous impact on our lives. If you are not a pet owner, it is time to adopt or take a trip to your local pet store because they will literally change your life for the better. 

Fall DIY Project

Fall DIY Projects

Do it yourself (DIY) projects are a creative way to recycle items and very cute decorations for your home or dorm. DIY projects are perfect for college students that are low on funds. Rather than splurging on fall decor in HomeGoods, you can craft many of the decorative items that you are sold in stores. Below I’ve listed some examples of DIY projects for the fall since the season is right around the corner.

New School Year

New School Year, New You

As the summer heat continues to fade with each passing day, we begin to feel a sense of bitterness knowing that our carefree days spent in the sun have come to an end. Working at your summer job or spending long days at the beach are over, and it is time to go back to school. You will now welcome back the return of all-nighters, countless syllabi, and regimented schedule. This time, though, it’s a new year and a fresh start. You have different classes and professors, you will make new or more friends, and maybe even a new roommate or major. It’s a clean slate and there are so many opportunities ahead of you, and it is imperative that you start the new school year with a positive outlook.

Back To School

‘Back to School’ Essentials

Back to school means many things for a typical college student. The upcoming days will be consumed with cramming, eating dining hall sushi, and an unhealthy consumption of caffeine. However, before truly getting back into a regimented routine of club meetings and homework there are some essentials that are necessary for starting the school year off on a positive note.