Eating Healthy Holidays

Eating Healthy During the Holidays

When the holidays arrive, the temptation hits. Your mom’s famous apple pie, your grandmother’s potato latkes. Cakes, cookies, rich entrees and countless side dishes adorn the holiday buffet tables. It can be a healthy eater’s nightmare. But if you prepare yourself with the right tips and tools before you go to a holiday party, you may find that saying “no” to another bite of cheesecake is easier than you thought.

Student Internship

Prepare for Graduation With a Student Internship

With the fall semester almost over, many seniors are beginning to fill out one of two types of applications: graduate school or employment. The thought of either one can be scary. For those looking to attend graduate school, emotions not felt in years are likely to return. We meet again with the fear and anticipation of rejection. However, for the majority nothing is probably more frightening than the idea of beginning the interview process for post-college jobs. “I think interviewing is probably the hardest part of applying for a job, and once you get that over with, everything becomes easier,” said Kim Rookwood, a senior.

Vitamin Goodness

Making Vitamins and Minerals a Part of Your Daily Routine

A Daily Dose of Vitamin Goodness

The change of seasons means saying goodbye to the more mild autumn and saying hello to the artic chill of winter and all that comes with it: freezing temperatures, colds, the flu, stuffy noses and more. suggests incorporating a new routine of vitamins and minerals into your diet each season. Research shows that the body needs a minimum amount of vitamins and minerals each day to remain healthy and to function properly.

Zombie Apocalypse

How to Prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse

This past weekend, Asbury Park hosted the annual New Jersey Zombie Walk at the Convention Hall Boardwalk. Hordes of the undead roamed the town and left me wondering…What if? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s emergency preparedness and response website, “ the rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen. In such a scenario zombies would take over entire countries, roaming city streets eating anything living that got in their way.”

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De-Stress a Stressful Semester

Stress is a consistent, tiring reality that everyone deals with in one way or another. Midterms, papers, projects, and tests piling up once the semester is underway can create a lot of tension. According to, an online education service for students, excessive anxiety and stress can take a negative toll on our bodies both physically and mentally, with symptoms including exhaustion, loss of/increased appetite, headaches, crying, sleeplessness, and oversleeping. However, there are many ways to combat the negative associations brought on by stress. The University hosts many activities and provides services that can reduce or even help completely rid excessive amounts of stress.

Shopping Guide

Look Good, Feel Good: A Local Shopping Guide

With fashion trends constantly changing it can be hard to keep up as a busy college student. Whether you are in need of something to wear out to local bars such as the Draft House or Jack’s on Brighton Avenue, an upscale outfit for a night out at the Avenue in Pier Village, or a basic ensemble to throw on for class, there are several boutiques and shopping centers in the surrounding area that accommodate for all.