Local Night Life

Local Night Life Specials for College Students

Fall is here and pumpkin spiced lattes are back. This summer we survived an earthquake and a hurricane, and fall could not have come sooner. The weather is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, no need for air conditioning or heat that could sky rocket your utility bills for the month. Take that money saved and enjoy yourself this fall. Times are tough, and money may be tight, but a fun night out with your friends doesn’t have to be expensive. Many surrounding bars have adopted their own college night during the week, and offer drink specials for their close-to-broke college customers.


The Balancing Act: School, Work and Social Life

For students, college life is a balancing act. It is a new experience for everyone, and it sometimes takes time to find stability between your school, work, and social life. The beginning of each school year poses the same dilemma for most college students – to work or not to work? While you want to have as much free time as possible to earn straight A’s and hang out with your friends, you also want to have money to support yourself while living away from home.