
Leon Hess Business School’s Comparative Entrepreneurship Course Recognized Nationally

Monmouth University Selected as One of Three Finalists in Competition

The University’s Comparative Entrepreneurship course, taught by specialist professor John Buzza, was selected as one of the top three finalists in a national competition sponsored by the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) for special recognition in entrepreneurship education and innovation. 

CYMK flu pic

23% Effective or 67% Ineffective?

This Season’s Flu Vaccination Shot Disappoints Many

Despite the flu vaccine proving only 23 percent effective this season, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 406 individuals of the Monmouth community received the flu vaccine provided by the University’s Health Services this fall according to Louise Bosmans, University Nurse Practitioner. 


Stormy Weather Buries Classes

Approximately 60 Monday night University classes that meet once a week have been cancelled due to inclement weather which has prevented, in some cases, students and faculty from beginning their courses; however, those classes were able to meet in most cases for the first time on Monday, Feb. 9 some 21 days into the spring semester.


“Searching for Signs of Hope”

A crowd of approximately 40 University students and faculty gathered to hear Dr. Donald Hilliard Jr. discuss issues of gender inequality, violence in America, and the changing family dynamic at the “Searching for Signs of Hope” event in Wilson Hall on Tuesday Feb. 3. The event was the first of many events scheduled on campus to commemorate black history month. 

je suis charlie

Recent Terror Attacks in Paris May Deter Students from Studying Abroad

Twelve people working for satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo were shot and killed in Paris, France by two Islamic extremists who sought revenge for the magazine’s depiction of the Prophet Muhammad on Wednesday, Jan. 7, sending waves of shock and fear throughout all of Europe and other parts of the world. In light of these recent events, the number of students looking to study abroad may begin to decrease.