
Students Participate in Annual Big Event

The 13th Annual Big Event took place last Saturday, October 6 at 11:00 am as a day for students to participate in community service. The event was organized by the Student Government Association and received the assistance of various other groups on campus such as Fraternity and Sorority Clubs and the Outdoors Club, to name a few. Over 400 students volunteered.


LinkedIn For Life

Jeff Mass Educates Students About the Benefits of the Social Media Site

When students graduate college, one possible concern on their minds is finding a job. This past Wednes­day, a seminar about LinkedIn was given to educate students of the ben­efits the service can provide.


Prom Night in Wilson Hall

There were no limousines out­side the steps of Wilson Hall the night of Thursday, Septem­ber 27. Students did not trick­le through the halls with ball gowns and tuxes. However, one High School’s prom was depicted through film in the downstairs instruction room in Wilson Hall.