
Recent University Study Says Stress Promotes Infidelity

Could a stressful day turn your sweetie into a cheater?

“How a Stressful Day May Promote Infidelity,” written by psychology professor Natalie Ciarocco, reports the findings of a recent research study, revealing that stress could be a trigger for infidelity. The article appeared in the Atlantic Highlands Herald on March 8 and was published in the Journal of Social Psychology in January.

HERO Award 1

New Winner Announced at HERO Ceremony

Prevent drunk driving

That is the goal of the HERO campaign, which aims to reward designated drivers for their efforts in preventing vehicular alcohol-related accidents and deaths. The campaign was established in 2000 and has been a large part of the University since 2007. The University held the annual HERO of the year award for the third year in a row last Wednesday.

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University to Raise Awareness on Sexual Abuse

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, “every two minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted,” resulting in an average of 207,754 victims each year. In response to this issue, April has been nationally dedicated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. To recognize this month, the University Counseling and Psychological Services will be hosting activities, workshops, and fundraisers to create sexual assault awareness on college campuses.