MU Debate Team Wins LU

Monmouth Debate Team Wins Awards at Liberty University and MU Tournaments

The Monmouth University Debate Team won awards at debate tournaments held at Liberty University last weekend (Nov 4-6) and again this weekend at Monmouth’s 6th annual Jersey Shore Invitational (Nov 12-13). At Liberty University, MU debaters Kaitlin Allsopp and Emely Diaz made it to the octa-final playoff round by compiling a four and two record in the preliminary rounds— before losing in a close decision to a team from James Madison.

FBI Director James Comey

FBI Reverses Course on Clinton Email Investigation as General Election Arrives

FBI Director, James Comey announced on Sunday that there will not be criminal charges brought against Democratic Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton over handling of classified information over her private email server. This comes as somewhat of a surprise as he just wrote a letter to Congress late last month that he would re-open the investigation. The latest developments are attracting much controversy and scrutiny because they are coming out so close to the election.