Now that the Presidential Campaign is through, New Jersey residents are turning their attention to the upcoming Governor Campaign. Current Governor Chris Christie has already applied his papers for re-election, but there has yet to be a definite for which Democrat hopeful is going to step up and run against him.
The Debt Clock is Ticking
Aside from the impending December 21, 2012 doomsday, Americans of all socioeconomic backgrounds should become well aware of the fiscal Armageddon that will take place on January 1, 2013 should Congress fail to act.
Gridlock: Where No One Wins
Republicans and Democrats are Digging in and not Budging on Crucial Issues
“Gridlock.” It is something that has become a familiar term in political news lately. It happened twice in 2011 according to CNN, nearly shut down the government and some businesses, and it seems like it is on the verge of happening again.
The College Democrats Club Comes to the University
The College Democrats of Monmouth University Hope to get Campus Talking about Politics
University students are joining together to bring a College Democrats club to campus. The College Democrats of Monmouth University is an organization that will focus on spreading and promoting the beliefs of the Democratic Party and getting students more involved in the political process.
Romney/Ryan Fall Short of Presidency
The debates are complete, the polls are now closed, and the announcements have been made in regards to 2012 presidential victor Barack Obama. To some this victory is not a surprise and is something to be celebrated, especially for the democratic party; for others though this win comes either as a surprise or as a pivotal letdown in the course the majority of the country has decided to take a look back to the Romney/Ryan campaign and wonder how this end result came about.
President Obama Wins Re-Election
President Barack Obama defeated Republican nominee Mitt Romney to earn a second term as President of the United States by an Electoral College count of 332 to 206 on November 6.
Democrats Delighted with Presidential Results
“Yes we did!” Is what Democrats around the nation are all chanting and cheering as they celebrate another four years of President Obama and his administration, while gaining two seats and keeping control over the Senate. Democrats captured the Presidency for another four years with 332 electoral votes and 62,186,573 popular votes.
Sandy “Rocks the Vote” Like a Hurricane
In an election filled with new obstacles, such as mandatory photo identification, New Jersey and the surrounding areas were inundated with their own unforeseen trials. While many voters around the nation battled long lines to cast their ballots in the 2012 presidential election, citizens in areas heavily damaged by Hurricane Sandy struggled to get their voices heard and their votes cast.
Campus Posts Low Scores on Judiciary, Higher on Presidency in Outlook Poll
Outlook Conducts First Political Knowledge Poll
The Outlook ran an informal political knowledge poll where University students scored an average of four to seven correct answers. It contained questions regarding the presidency, legislature, judiciary and United States history.
Round Two Rumble Review; Round Three Next Week
After a lackluster first debate performance, President Barack Obama had a difficult task ahead of him for the second debate.