Super PACs Game Changer

Will Super PACs be a Game Changer in the 2012 Presidential Election?

Super PACs (political action committees) have already proven themselves extremely important to political candidates as well as their party affiliations thus far in the primary season. Free to flood a campaign with as much money as they can, this new type of political action committee has already had immense impact on the presidential campaign process. However, the question remains: Will Super PACs be a game changer in the 2012 Presidential Election?

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Gov. Christie: Controversy with Civil Rights Comment

Governor Chris Christie recently sparked a controversy because of a comment he made during his announcement for a voter referendum on same sex marriage in New Jersey. Stating citizens should decide on the issue and not the state legislature, Christie added “I think people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil-rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South.”

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Debate Hawks Host Successful Tournament

Students Argue Over Best Way to Approach Foreign Policy

The Monmouth Debate Hawks hosted the Jersey Shore Invitational Debate tournament last weekend. It brought 19 different colleges and universities to the campus, adding up to about 250 participants. Among these schools were prestigious names such as Princeton, West Point Military Academy, The Naval Academy, Cornell and a range of other established debate programs.

Harvard Professor Visits University

Harvard Political Science Professor Robert Putnam Visits University

Harvard Political Science professor and writer Robert Putnam spoke in Wilson Auditorium on Friday, January 27. It is hard to find a political science book in the world today which doesn’t mention Putnam. His book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, is a national bestseller, it is a critically acclaimed book about the decline of social capital in our society. He was the winner of the 2006 John Skytte award for the most valuable contribution to Political Science. He had been featured in numerous publications including the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Daily Herald and The Nation. The London Sunday Times has called him the “Most influential academic today” for his scholarly achievement in Political Science. He has worked with Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama to push his ideas for civic renewal.