Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Who is He?

As Republicans still decide on their choice for a presidential candidate and ultimately choose an opponent for President Barack Obama in the 2012 Presidential election, Congressman Ron Paul from Texas continues to gain appeal and supporters particularly among college students.

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Bipartisanship Can Lead to Change

Students Who Normally Disagree Come Together on Taxing of Millionaires

Over the summer, Speaker of the House John Boehner and President Barack Obama held several talks to try to negotiate a long term deal on the deficit. They were making serious strides in a major compromise, which would have created the first concrete plan to solve our nation’s growing economic crisis. President Obama made a major political sacrifice by putting Medicare and Social security cuts on the table during the talks. In return, the President asked of the Speaker to include revenue into the deal. These included closing corporate tax loopholes, ending federal subsidies for oil companies which are recording record profits, and slight tax increases on those making over one million dollars a year. Those talks subsequently broke down.