The 9/11 Remembrance Event was a great success. The Senate would like to thank everyone who attended and helped out. Over 100 people from the campus and community attended and the new addition to the campus, a piece from the World Trade Center site will soon be built into a memorial on campus.
Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party: Distant Relatives in Action
As Occupy Wall Street protests enter its fifth week, similarities between the 99 percent movement and the still young Tea Party movement are becoming more visible.
GOP Debate in Nevada: Another Stop on the Road to 2012
CNN hosted the latest GOP Presidential debate for the 2012 primary election last Tuesday. The participants in this event were former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney, Texas Governor Rick Perry, businessman Herman Cain, Minnesota Congress woman Michelle Bachmann, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, former State Senator Rick Santorum and Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
Debate Hawks Win Six Awards at West Point Military Academy
The University Debate Team, the Debate Hawks, received six awards at the West Point Military Academy Tournament this past weekend. The tournament included over 275 debaters from over 25 universities including Cornell, the U.S. Naval Academy, Boston College, New York University, and West Virginia University to name a few.
Roll Call: Words from the SGA Senate 10/19/11
Aramark Food Services: The Student Government Association would like to announce that although there have been many complaints concerning Aramark’s services at the University, it is important to realize that the company and employees are working hard to alleviate any issues.
Who’s Who in SGA: Melanie Rowbotham Historian
Melanie Rowbotham is a senior majoring in English and Elementary Education. She holds the position of Historian for the Student Government Association.
Pre-Law Club Helps Students Take Life by the Gavel
The University’s Pre-Law Club had its first meeting of the year on October 6. The club, based out of the Political Science Department, is designed for students interested in attending law school.
Occupy Wall Street: A Meaningful Movement or a Directionless Protest?
An estimated 1000 citizens of New York City started occupying Wall Street and Zuccotti Park in protest of corporate greed and income inequality since September 17. The protests have continued to go strong, despite confrontations with police and attempts to institute new laws in occupied parks.
Who’s Who in SGA: Tyler Bischoff Treasurer and Senior Senator
Tyler Bischoff is a senior from Vernon, New Jersey majoring in political science and minoring in both history and legal studies. Bischoff decided to get involved in the Student Government Association as a sophomore and served as a Senator.
How Will Political Science Prepare Us for the Job Market?
Life after graduation marks a moment in time when one phase of life ends and a new one begins.