
The Key to Success

Everyone’s version of success is different based on their career and life goals. Although this outlook on life may differ, everyone has come across this universal question at one point or another: What’s the key to success? As I consider my goals, I contemplate this question with greater care than I ever have before. In […]


How to Deal with FOMO

College students are pretty stressed out most of the time, but sometimes school work and extracurriculars are not the main factors that cause these feelings of anxiousness. Rather, the culprit that so many students succumb to is much stronger: the fear of missing out (FOMO). FOMO is a feeling many people suffer from on a […]


Why You Need a Planner

Throughout my school career, having a planner has contributed to my academic success. I have used a planner for as long as I can remember, specifically since I started switching classes in school. Organization is a key skill that I think is important to have especially when it comes to academics, and having a planner […]


The Pros & Cons of GMOs

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are organisms, such as plants and animals, that are biologically changed through biotechnology. The genes possessed by plants, animals, and microbes are altered in a laboratory to give it new traits that are considered both positive and negative. The Pros of GMOs: The Cons of GMOs:


Post-Graduation Worries and Concerns

Thinking of future and life after one gets their degree can be overwhelming, especially as a college student. The editors of “The Outlook” have come together to discuss this nerve-wracking issue, how they feel about their future, and what they plan to do after attending Monmouth University. One editor explained that they were very concerned […]


College and Coffee

When on a college campus, it is almost guaranteed that you will walk by a student who has a cup of coffee in their hands. This beverage is not only consumed for pure enjoyment, but as most already know, coffee also helps people stay alert and energized throughout the day. This is exactly why I […]


Why Trust Influencers?

In today’s digital world, we are constantly viewing social media, which shifts the way we consume content and make decisions. With new developments in technology seemingly never-ending, traditional sources of spreading information like newspapers and magazines are constantly challenged. Now, a popular way of circulating information is done by individuals known as influencers. Influencers are […]