Club Has High Expectations for the Spring Semester
The Pre-Law Club had their first meeting for the spring semester on Monday, January 30. This club is run by Dr. Gregory Bordelon and is planning a very exciting spring. The meeting started off with a clip from the movie The Paper Chase. This semester also brings in a new set of officers. The club is now run by President Jess Rohr, Vice President Dan Roman, Secretary Karina Bandy and Treasurer Karina Nayowski.
The club is taking a new approach this year. Bordelon wants to focus more on community service. He referred to community service as a “duty of this profession”. One idea offered by Rohr was creating a “Relay for Life”. This event is one about supporting cancer survivors and guiding those who suffer from the disease through it. She advised all those interested to come to the “Relay Kick Off” meeting on February 2. This type of event is considered a pro bono event which is considered community service within the law community. Bordelon said how important community service is and keeps everyone humble. The club plans to be other events of this kind this semester. “I expect Pre Law club to be active on campus”, said Rohr. We have a lot of talent here and this club gives them a great opportunity to experience what the process of applying to law school is like.”, said Rohr. Rohr herself hopes to attend Rutgers Law School, Seton Hall Law, and New York Law School.
Other events that the Pre Law Club mentioned was that on Thursday, February 2, Seton Hall Law School in Newark would be holding a “Discovering Law Day” from 4pm to 7pm All those interested are asked to see Bordelon as soon as possible. Another event is at Drexel University on Thursday, February 9. They are holding a “Pennsylvania Law Schools Day”. Among the schools attending are Villanova, Penn State Law and Pennsylvania Law School. This event will allow you to meet professors at these institutions and see what these types of schools are looking for.
Events that the Pre-Law Club is running include “Careers in Law” program in February. The speaker will be Leslie LaMacchia, a 2004 alumnus of the University. She has been praised for her work in litigation. The objective of this is to show what a degree in law could turn into for students. During the month of March, Bordelon plans to have law schools visit the University campus. This was done last November but this helps to expand students’ horizons. This is one event Boredelon looks forward to. His reasoning being, “Students looking into law school can see what their degree will turn into and the impact of attending law school.” “It’s nice to know some people from Monmouth became lawyers. It shows it’s not just Ivy League students who get in,” added Rohr.
Students interested in applying to law school are encouraged to contact Dr. Bordelon. He is collecting a spreadsheet to help give every student the best opportunity to get into the school they desire. His hours for advising are Tuesday 10 am to 12 pm and Wednesday 12:30 pm to 2 pm but everyone should email him prior to meeting him. “All students interested in law school should know the resources we have.” Bordelon said. He added, “We get so much information from law schools and it’s important for students to know about these resources.” Bordelon also recommended that students interested in law school take advantage of the vast resources that Professor Nappen and he offer. There is also a table in between their offices in Bey Hall with a lot of resources which can help students at any level.
With new events and new officers, the Pre-Law club hopes to become a staple at the University.