Fraternity and sorority awards are being honored to specific members of Greek life on Monday, April 29 in Magill Commons. The purpose of these awards is to highlight student leaders who uphold the values of the Greek life community.
Faculty and staff advisors for chapters are also being nominated and awarded for their outstanding work and dedication. Members of the Division of Student Services will help decide the winners of each award. The awards are decided by reviewing applications that students submit, whether they have nominated themselves or someone else.
The honors have been given out for several years. It is an annual tradition which Jon Buchalski, New Assistant Director of Student Activities, has continued to lead. Applications were due this past Friday and Buchalski notes how the feedback was great and students are actively participating in the voting. Students are jumping at the opportunity to thank their brothers and sisters of Greek life for yet another successful new member process which completes this upcoming week, as well as the staff and faculty supervising and guiding them for the entire six week program. The awards allow chapters to publicly recognize those who help them with their continued success and growth of each fraternity and sorority.
Buchalski explains, “The award winners will receive an engraved token in recognition of the award itself. The ceremony will also highlight the academic year that is coming to an end, as well as thanking all of those people who worked with the community to improve it this year. Finally we will install the new executive officers for the Greek Senate and the Sub-Councils.” While all Greek life will be together as a community, the newest Greek Senate and Sub-Councils, which were recently chosen for the upcoming year, will be introduced.
The categories of awards are: Outstanding Faculty or Staff Advisor, Outstanding Chapter Program, Outstanding New Member, Outstanding Chapter President, The Chris Mejia Greek Man of the Year, The Greek Woman of the Year, and The Pillars.
Tarryn Cortese, senior and member of the Greek life community, expressed the significance of the awards, as well as her anticipation for them. Cortese stated, “It is so important to acknowledge the students and faculty who go the extra mile within Greek life. It is only right to award them so they know just how much we appreciate them as a community. They really deserve the recognition.” Cortese continued, “It’s especially amazing that they now have an award in Chris Mejia’s honor. He was such a special part of the Greek life community and we all could not be happier that this remembrance of him was created. I can’t wait to see who receives the award.”
Jennifer Carter, junior and member of Greek life, explains how she is nominating her best friend for an award that is in a different chapter from her. “I know how hard she works for her sorority, and she deserves to be noticed for it. Just because she isn’t in my personal sorority does not make the work she’s done any less important. The award should be given to the best-fit candidate, and I know firsthand that she deserves the acknowledgment.”
The awards support Greek unity since members of chapters are able to vote for members of others. It’s way for all of Greek life to come together and support those who have helped in all chapters; not just their own. It’s also a way for everyone else to see other chapters’ accomplishments and efforts towards bettering Greek life as a whole.