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Before you Graduate…
Graduation is approaching quite quickly for most college students around the world. It is no different at the University. Time flies during college years. One minute you are entering your very first class and before you know it, you’re walking out of your very last class of undergraduate college. It’s a memorable time in your life, but what are some experiences that every University student should have before they graduate? As the unforgettable movie character Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
The Art of Letting Go of Life’s Troubles
Let’s stop hanging up our problems. They are not pictures adorning the wall. They are not coats on a rack. It seems pretty common for people to suffer from dilemmas or “hang ups.” Such troubles might include unpreparedness for a test, a bad grade, a bridge burned, a failed relationship, an opportunity lost, or any personal mistake made.
From Your Mom’s Garage to a Crowd of People: A DIY How-To Guide
Pink Floyd, Queen, The Doors, The Talking Heads, Phish, and The Pixies, what do all these iconic bands have in common? From the freezing Northeast to sunny Southern California to whatever the hell happens in England, these bands were all born on a college campus and started in a ‘Do-It-Yourself’ (DIY) music scene. For those […]