Summer Local

Summer: As Spent by a Local

We all know that the best time of year has finally dawned upon us. Local’s summer. Where there is no traffic, no lines, and you can finally enjoy your beach days without any unwanted crowds.

Although you may not be from a shore-town, being a student at Monmouth University allows you to experience a local’s summer.

While this is an unofficial term, many know that local’s summer begins after Labor Day weekend, and caps off at the end of September. While you still have around two weeks left, it is time to get exploring. Here are some ways you can submerge yourself into the “locals only” culture of the shore towns:

Go to the beach- You may be asking yourself, “Why would I go to the beach in September, when I went all summer?” Being a local means that although you get to enjoy the beach year-round, it is better in the off-season.

For one, going to the beach in the off-season means that you do not have to spend money on a beach badge, or pay for parking spaces. You may notice that everywhere you go in the summer you have to pay for parking or battle for a parking spot. In the off-season, there is no paid parking so this not only helps your wallet, but will save time.

Try heading to the beach after your classes, or early in the morning, with your towel and books. You and a few other seasoned locals will be able to enjoy the still water, and tranquil sound of the waves hitting the shore.

If you can’t make it to the beach during the day, going for a walk at night is a great alternative. Cassandra Capozzi Smith, senior english & elementary education student says, “One great way to enjoy locals summer is going for a walk on the beach during the sunset. Not only is it relaxing, but it will help you get out of the house.”

Try out local deli’s, farmer’s markets, and bakeries- A task that is hard to do in the summer when you are a local is to enjoy all your favorite eateries. In the summer restaurants are packed, and there are generally waits upwards to two hours.

 One town that is close to Monmouth with amazing restaurants is Asbury Park. Enjoy a night out with your friends over the weekend, and afterwards you can head to the boardwalk for ice-cream, and shopping. Over the weekend there will be little crowds along the boardwalk  and you will be able to shop with your friends in peace!

Go for a Walk – One of the best thing about warm September months is that you can capitalize on being active. Chuck Gerdon Director of Development for the Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences, suggests going to the Atlantic Highlands. “One of my favorite local’s summer activities is going to Hawthorne Park in the Atlantic Highlands. Walking down to the river and watching the jets fly in headed to Kennedy airport, is therapeutic.”

If walking in nature is not your favorite thing, Monmouth University is always an option. Right before the semester begins campus is a quiet, and soothing place to be.  Kelly Anderson, a senior communications studies student says, “seeing friendly faces around campus all year is definitely a wonderful feeling, but there’s something about walking on an almost empty campus that is so relaxing. The campus is beautiful, especially behind the library by the fountains. It is so peaceful to enjoy the flowers and the campus as a whole.” 

Anytime you can get out of the house and into nature is a time where you take a breather and appreciate the little things.

Shopping- Another perk of local’s summer is that it offers us time to go shopping without waiting in horrendous lines, or trying to steal that one top from the rack that others may be eyeing up. In small towns like Lavallette, or places like Pier Village there are small boutiques with great end of summer deals. Local’s summer is the best time to prepare your back to school wardrobe.

The above mentioned are just a few perks to living a local’s summer, but truly the best thing is that you yourself are a “local”. You get to experience the culture, feel a sense of comradery, and live a laid-back lifestyle. Plus, once the summer months role around again, you will see the true difference crowds make in your shore lifestyle.

PHOTO TAKEN by Caroline Mattise