Career aspirations can drive ideas and make these plans come to fruition. The field of science, specifically medical professions, require constant dedication and energy. In order to maintain this level of passion and efficiency, however, doctors and nurses need comfort. Masters in Nursing Sciences student, Naja Morgan, explained that her inspiration for her HawkTank project, Dark Matter, was derived from her career in nursing and the lack of comfortable workwear.
Morgan realized that there was major room for improvement with the uniforms that were available. She found that each brand had something to offer, but there were no flattering nor comfortable uniforms in the market. If the uniforms were comfortable and stylish, it wasn’t following workplace requirements.
Each medical profession has different dress-codes, and scrubs are widely used in the industry, so she plans to develop scrubs for all medical professionals, not just nurses.
Her company is also focused on clothing longevity and its ability to withstand long shifts. The scrubs must be, according to her, “comfortable, functional, and stylish.” Her first-hand experience with nursing has allowed her to develop the best scrubs, and if permissible, she can test out her own company’s scrubs.
Morgan expressed her gratitude for the University and the Center of Entrepreneurship. She also received coaching in preparation for Pitch Day.
Director for the Center of Entrepreneurship, Alison Gilbert, has assisted Morgan with developing a business and pitch deck. Morgan expressed, “To have coaching from someone with her experience, knowledge, and expertise is priceless.”
Cheryl Leiningen, MSN, DNP, RN, PMHNP-BC, Associate Professor for Nursing, referred Morgan to the Center of Entrepreneurship after talking with her about Dark Matter. She’s the reason Morgan connected with Gilbert in her junior year.
According to Morgan, “Dr. Leiningen has been a positive and empowering force during my time at Monmouth University.”
Morgan spoke about her experience and said, “Being a finalist for HawkTank was totally unexpected for me this year being that I am in my last semester at Monmouth, and that I have never done anything like this before. I decided to go for it, with some encouragement of course.”