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Club & Greek

Club and Greek Announcements 02-21-18

Students Advocating Girls’ Education (SAGE)

SAGE is dedicated to equal access to education and the betterment of the campus community through social justice, gender equality, and feminism. SAGE hosts a number of events on campus to raise money and donate to organizations and communities which improve access to quality education for women and girls, both locally and globally. They also increase campus awareness of social issues and current events pertaining to women’s rights. If you are interested in joining, please contact the Club President, Kaitlin Allsopp, at

Benefits Go Greek
Club & Greek

Benefits of Going Greek

Do you walk around campus seeing Greek symbols printed on students’ shirts or hats? Have you ever considered Greek life? Going to a small school like Monmouth University, it is highly encouraged to get involved in something on campus. The social community of a fraternity or sorority is one that can offer different benefits to diverse groups of students.

Tune Into Hawk TV
Club & Greek

Tune into Hawk TV

When you sit in your dorm room, in the dining hall, or student center and you turn to channel 12-1, you might see the faces of your fellow students doing some pretty big things. You’ll feast your eyes on student reporters on the scene of a major campus event, students acting in skits they wrote and directed themselves, and live large-scale productions to raise money for charity. When you turn to channel 12-1, you’ll find Hawk TV.

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Club & Greek

Club and Greek Announcements 02-07-18

Sociology Club

The sociology club at Monmouth works to take the concepts learned in the classroom and apply them to social activism. They focus on raising awareness of inequalities and social issues that affect all as students. They believe that every person has the ability to make a difference in the community. All student ideas are welcome as they work through issues of race, gender, ability, and more to create an open and inclusive space. In the past they have signed petitions against the Dakota Access Pipeline, which threatened the sanctity of precious indigenous people’s land; held American Sign Language classes; and educated students about sexual assault. With Sociology Club, every voice has a chance to be heard and they are devoted to addressing social issues that impact campus. The possibilities for what they will do this year are endless, so join them as they continue to work towards creating a campus environment that reflects the world we want to live in.