
Home Sweet Home: Why Students Can’t Wait to Go Back

For many students, Thanksgiving is one of the best times of the year to spend at home. There’s all that delicious home cooked food and endless pumpkin pie. While this semester is flying by, many students cannot believe it’s already November. Before we know it, this semester will have concluded and the winter season will be upon us. As the dropping temperatures warn us of frosty months to come, students are eager to get a break from the grueling schoolwork and approaching cold walks to class.


How, We, Like, Literally Use Words: Will Modern Day Text Lingo Ruin Language?

Since the introduction of instant messaging to society, whether it was internet chatrooms, emails, or texting, people have started to condense, modify, and alter words in order to make them easier to type. LOL, JK, TTYL, etc. have dominated the digital word since they were created. But despite the ease and comfort in typing these casual words, the consequences on formality and sentence structure could be disastrous.


Classroom Competition: What Makes Students Work

For some students in college, grades are everything. A grade point average (GPA) can heavily affect scholarships and if someone can’t afford to go to the school without a scholarship, not having good grades can be disastrous. Good grades can also be helpful in the future. In a post-college job, having a high GPA can prove to an employer that you have the skills and qualifications for the job that you are applying for, and that you’re willing to work hard to do well.


When Picturing People in Underwear Doesn’t Work: How College Student’s Deal With Classroom Fears

Going to class isn’t as simple as our parents assume. There are exams to prepare and show up for, homework for five to seven classes to complete, and rooms of 20 or so peers staring at you during a presentation. There are many factors that add stress to students’ days, and many of them are harbored in the classroom. While many students face anxiety in the classroom, there are ways to quell the nerves and move beyond the fears.


What Happens When You’re Dating… But Not: Student’s Stress Over the “Situationship”

Exclusive relationships are pretty rare among college students nowadays. Everyone is looking to explore their options, while there are a few select couples that turn heads. Then there is that other category: dating, but yet not dating. This is when things seem to get complicated hence the label “situationships”. The term could be defined as seeing each other for months yet not having the label as boyfriend and girlfriend. Now that’s a sticky situation.


Excuses, Excuses: Why They’re Made and What They Mean

During college, there are certain “traditions” between students and teacher that we simply come to expect. The most infamous and well-known cliché is excuses. Specifically, a student making an excuse for themselves and seeing if a teacher will take pity upon their unavoidable calamity and not take off points for a late assignment. It’s fascinating, a student will go to such lengths to think up a believable reason to pitch the professor when that energy could have been better used with the original assignment.