Not Be Single Valentine

How to Not Be Single on Valentine’s Day

Ah, Valentine’s Day. That time of year when your television haunts you with online dating commercials, tempting you to log on and meet “the one!” is gradually showing up on the side bar advertisement of every website you log onto and you suddenly feel this compulsion to get into a relationship; even though last month you were living the single life like it was nobody’s business.  It’s time to start looking for a new companion, getting past that awkward first date, and then entering into a relationship.

Thirty Four Counting

Thirty-Four Years and Counting at the University

As busy members of the Universi-ty community, we sometimes forget all of the work that goes behind find-ing our professors, organizing our esteemed curriculums, and financ-ing our residence halls and extracur-ricular activities. However, standing behind all of these imperative deci-sions is Provost Thomas Pearson, Vice President for Academic Af-fairs, who is the longest standing Provost in the Northeast.

Black Holes

The Unknown Territories of Black Holes

Scientific Discovery Proves That We Have Much to Learn

Recently, astronomers have reported the discovery of some of the biggest black holes found in the universe. One of these gargantuan behemoths, NGC 4889, observed from the Hubble Space Telescope, has a mass of about 21 million times more than that of our sun and is distanced at an incredible 336 million light-years (about two million trillion miles) away, according to the New York Times. The results of their work can shed some major light on black holes and their formation, no pun intended.