
Adapting to a Sustainable Mindset

The recent push for sustainability has been noticeable, to say the least. No matter where you come from, you have undoubtedly gotten your plastic, single-use straws from a fast food drive through along with your food wrapped in a similar single-use, thin plastic bag. In fact, the space of single-use plastics in our lives is […]


Holiday Shopping Starts Early in 2021

The holiday season brings many warm memories and traditions. It conjures images of ice skating in Pier Village, getting a nice cup of hot cocoa after class, and spending time with loved ones. The holiday season also round out the fall semester, which always feels like it is going on a little too long. One […]


Tea Culture Around The World

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. The history and culture surrounding tea is so varied and complex it would be near impossible to cover all its preparations and styles. However, this article will attempt to provide a general understanding of some of the most popular tea styles, […]


It’s Pumpkin Time!

It’s October now, and you know what that means—it’s Halloween time! For some people, once October hits, it’s all about fall and Halloween. But for others, they’ve already been in that mode since September! Most stores have all their fall and Halloween Themed items out for a month already. It’s a time where the Pillsbury […]


The Bookclub of The Future

These days, most people only read when they have to for school or for work. Some even feel an external pressure to read in the form of self-guilt (i.e., they feel like they “should” be reading but don’t enjoy it). The social media video sharing app TikTok has put a different and new perspective on […]


Fall Festivities For Everyone

With summer coming to a close, we can now look forward to crisp breezes, the leaves changing colors, pumpkin flavored drinks, apple picking, and delicious pies. Yes—in all areas of life, fall is approaching.  Even if fall is not your favorite time of year, there are so many ways to make the seasonal experience more […]