10 Ways Make Her Day

10 Ways to Make a Girl’s Day

Girls are confusing, and that says a lot coming from a girl myself. Most of the time, it’s because we don’t know exactly what we want, or what we are feeling ourselves. We get mad over seemingly small things that aren’t actually important because when we are with a guy, we are vulnerable, and don’t want to get hurt.

Soul Kitchen

Why You Should Pay it Forward

Do you and your friends ever rack your brain for a fun day trip to take together but come up blank? Rest assured, your prayers have been answered. There are several destinations that are only an hour or less away from Monmouth that will not only allow you to have some fun, but also give back to a community in need. Starting in the City of Brotherly Love, good ole Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Only about two years ago, a man named Mason Waltman opened a pizzeria in the heart of a city to aid the homeless called Rosa’s. Restaurants usually decorate their establishments with photos, paintings and regular décor, but not Rosa’s. Waltman, the owner, has created the “pay-it-forward pizza.” Pizza at Rosa’s is only $1.00 but if you pay $5.00 he will give you a slice of pizza and four post-it notes. You can then take those four post-it notes and hang them anywhere on the wall with a little note of your choosing. The homeless and needy of Philadelphia can come into Rosa’s, take a post-it off the wall and use that as currency for a slice of pizza. This pay-it-forward concept and generosity is not just limited to Rosa’s. Major chains such as Panera have created four locations around the nation known as Panera Cares that do not have prices on their menu. They provide a suggested donation amount and that is what keeps the café running as well as pay for the persons that enter that cannot pay the donation “price.”

Pier Village

Living On-Campus Versus Living Off-Campus

Living on campus is what many college freshmen look forward to when they first come to Monmouth – but moving off campus quickly turns into what dorm residents desire. At Monmouth typically most students move off campus their junior year, but most have the urge to do so their sophomore year, if not sooner. While Monmouth offers more luxurious on campus options such as Maplewood, the Great Lawn and Garden apartments for upperclassmen. However, most students prefer the off campus options available at Pier Village and The Bluffs. Although living by the beach may sound appealing the majority of upper classmen prefer to rent a house in neighboring areas of Monmouth. So, the question is – which is the “better” option?

Sandy Hook

Outdoor Destinations Near Campus

With the warm weather quickly approaching, Monmouth students want to leave the confines of their dormitories and enjoy the beautiful, scenic beaches and the Atlantic one-mile down Cedar Avenue. But Hawks should soar a little further than just the outskirts of Long Branch where land meets sea. Contrary to popular belief, New Jersey does in fact possess a number of beautiful, outdoor areas for its residence to enjoy, some of which are not too far away from campus.

Time Management Hacks

Time Management Hacks for College Students

Time management is a tough skill to master, especially in college. It seems that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get all of the things done on your list. Balancing school, work, and a social life seems nearly impossible, but somehow it has to be done. It is so easy to let things spin out of control, to throw caution to the wind and hope everything goes well. But you’ll find that without proper planning, balancing these things will take a physical and emotional toll on you and leave you stressed.

Playa Bowls

Playa Bowls: A Fun Alternative to Healthy Eating

When you think of food at college the first word that comes to mind usually isn’t “healthy.” Late night snacks like microwavable popcorn or ramen are not often the best options, but they sure are convenient. It seems easier to grab a cookie or two in the dining hall than it is to grab an apple. French fries go better with a sandwich than spinach and cucumbers, right? If only there were a trendy, fun place to eat with your friends that was not only delicious, but healthy.