
Everything in Moderation: A Balance Between Health and Alcohol

You wake up after a long night of drinking. You feel bloated, heavier, and full of regret from all the unhealthy choices you made the night before. Yet, at the same time, you are filled with joy by how much fun you had with all your best friends last night. This is a repetitive scenario many college students of the legal drinking age face. It is a constant juggling act between staying healthy and creating incredible memories on the weekends.


Follow These Few Simple Steps: Summer to Fall Fashion Guide 2014

There are a million reasons to be stressed coming back to school. One of those reasons you should not worry about is what to wear to school. Finding an appropriate outfit after a summer of skimpy cover ups, swim suits, and shorts might seem like an annoying transition to begin. The adjustment from summer to autumn can be simple when you learn how to pair both seasons’ trendiest pieces together.


It’s A Bittersweet Symphony

Not a Goodbye, But a “See You Soon”

First and foremost, I have to say that I am still in shock that my college career is coming to an end. I still remember moving into Cedar M1 like it was yesterday. I also remember crying like a baby and having a mental breakdown after my parents left me between four cement walls.


Thrills, Spills and Chills

The Most Exhilarating Amusement Parks Around the Area

With summer in reach, its time to start ahead on planning daily adventures. Summertime has long been appreciated by college students after two grueling semesters of hard work. Though your summer plans might be taken up by a job or internship, you are usually granted more free time that you lacked during the school year. If you want to take advantage of the warm days with old friends, the area has many amusement parks for you to consider taking a mini vacation.



A Love Letter to Those Happily Left Behind

Everyone has a past, which means everyone has an ex. Whether it was an ex from a serious seven year relationship or just an ex that you used to drunkenly make out with from time to time. There doesn’t have to be an established title for you to know deep down inside how you felt for that person or if that person was considered an ex or not. If you were involved with him/her romantically or sexually but you aren’t anymore, that person is an ex.


The Committed Pig Commits to Good Eats

Manasquan Restaurant Offers Unique Burgers and Breakfast Options

Who needs to be in a committed relationship when you can be committed to the next best thing; food? The Committed Pig, located in Manasquan, NJ, will make you wonder how you ever ate a hamburger somewhere else. A little over 30 minutes away from campus, the drive will most definitely be worth it.