Inexpensive Gift Ideas

Inexpensive Gift Ideas for the Holidays

It is that time of the year again, the holiday season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanza, it’s the time of the year when you start to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The houses are all lit up with holiday cheer, the radio starts playing holiday music, and your favorite holiday movies begin to play on television. Although this time of year is celebrated and cheerful, it can also be a very stressful time for some people. You have to start thinking about what gifts you are going to give to your loved-ones and how much of a dent this is going to put in your pocket.


Keeping Cool in the Cold

With another semester approaching its close so quickly here at the University, it can be hard to believe that we are already in the month of December. Many times students can even still walk to class without a jacket. However, it is inevitable that the time will come where students must pack up the flip-flops and tank tops and bundle up for the windy, rainy, and possibly snowy days that lay ahead.


Don’t Stress Over the Little Things

Remaining calm in a stressful situation is a task many people find difficult to master. For the past four years, I have been a full-time student who has maintained a high enough GPA to fulfill the standards of the requirement to keep my scholarship while juggling a part-time job. Engaging in stressful situations has unfortunately become a hobby for me – from exams or important presentations to my overall performance at work. Eventually, I thoroughly started to enjoy the challenge of utilizing the skills I learned to obtain a successful outcome – almost like battling in combat and winning.

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The Craze Behind Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving, more commonly known, as Black Friday has become such a part of American culture that it almost seems to be a holiday itself. Huge retailers such as Macy’s, Toys ‘R Us, and Best Buy dedicate a large piece of their marketing to advertising their door buster sales and deals for the most wanted products of the year.