
“You up?”: Casual Dating in College

Often times, dating in college feels similar to wading through a minefield—some are lucky enough to maneuver around the obstacles; for others, it ends up blowing up in their faces. With stressful and tumultuous schedules, college students may not always have the time, nor the patience, to sift through the available dating pool of potential […]


12 Apps to Help Build Healthy Habits

The beginning of every new year has us reassessing our lives, which likely includes the realization that we need to get ourselves together. We start making plans to workout every day, get straight As, and eat healthier, completely convinced that this is the year we do away with all of our unhealthy habits. However, this […]


How To Enhance Your Night Routine

With finals quickly approaching, it’s easy to let your sleep schedule slip through the cracks. But a good night’s sleep is one of the most important ways to keep you energized to push through these last few weeks of the semester. Sleep and memory go hand-in-hand. According to The National Sleep Foundation, preserving key memories, […]


Reinventing Your Morning

There’s nothing better than waking up and feeling well-rested; the birds are chirping outside your window, the coffee beans are brewing, and the sunrise is painting your room golden, making you feel relaxed and ready to take on the day ahead of you. But let’s be honest, this isn’t the reality for most college students […]