As of this semester, current undergraduate students at the University are paying anywhere from $760 to $1140 for each credit, depending on the number of credits they are taking. On top of tuition, students are also faced with the expenses of textbooks, room and board, and additional supplies needed for each class. So why are lab fees for classes such as information technology, graphic design chemistry, biology and other lab sciences necessary?
Turnitin Follow-up: Professors Finding Software Beneficial
Last semester, the University introduced a new plagiarism detecting program called Turnitin. The program scans essays that are submitted to eCampus and compares the words to similar papers within the database. The program includes papers from other universities, as well as scholarly databases. The program high lights the areas that are similar and estimates a percentage of how much the paper is plagiarized.
Grad Students Create Documentary on Living a Monsanto-Free Lifestyle
Two University students working toward their Masters degrees in social work have teamed up together to document their experience living a Monsantofree lifestyle for six weeks. Mary Szacik and Jessica Kostenblatt hope to bring awareness to the public about the large corporations that have a strong influence over the global food supply and food policy. In particular, they are focusing on Monsanto Inc., a multinational agricultural biotechnology company who is the leading producer of genetically engineered seeds in the world.
Student Beaten on Road Near Library
MUPD Fails to Alert Campus Community of Attack
An unidentified student was beaten by a group of three individuals on Cedar Avenue near Norwood Avenue on Sunday, January 29 at approximately 3:28 am, according to Bill McElrath, Chief of Monmouth University Police.
Brighton Avenue Blaze Destroys Several Buildings and Business
A fire blazed throughout Brighton Avenue, Long Branch, N.J. on Monday, February 13, taking out 10 businesses and 14 apartments on the street. The fire began around 10:30 am and was still being hosed down after midnight. It took 11 fire departments and approximately 100 firefighters to contain the fire, according to the Asbury Park Press. There were no reported injuries, aside from a few minor ash burns to some of the firefighters and a cut lip to one.
Norovirus Outbreak at Some N.J. Colleges
University Goes on Health Alert to Take Precautions
The University was warned of an outbreak of the Norovirus via an email early Thursday evening, urging students to take caution when navigating the campus.
Students Commemorate Black History Month Through Read-in Chain
Faculty and students from the University gathered for the Black History Month Readin Chain that took place at 9:00 am on February 6 on the second floor of the Rebecca Stafford Student Center.
University Partners With Ranney School
The University’s Honors School has formed a partnership with the Ranney School in Tinton Falls to spread their knowledge on ethics in business, science and politics. University specialists and professors have agreed to present different lectures to the Ranney School’s Upper School. The students will be enjoying a six-week symposium where they will be able to ask professors questions, discuss topics with each other and enhance their knowledge on a college level. From February to May, there will be a series of lectures, activities and workshops allowing the students of Ranney to get involved to their full potential and understand the topic that much more.
Message from the President 2/15/12
Dear Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors: Recently I’ve run across several student situations in which senior students have suddenly found deficiencies in credits that put graduation in jeopardy. I have a single recommendation: check your academic au-dit each semester, each year, so that you can plan effectively for graduation. You can get the audit online at: […]