The first floor of Howard Hall underwent an asbestos abatement which lasted for five days at the end of December. Amid the process, public access was prohibited. Facilities Management dis-covered the problem as a result of loose tiles damaged by water infiltration.
Author and Political Influencer Robert Putnam to Speak at University
The University will welcome renowned author Robert D. Putnam to speak in Wilson Auditorium on January 27.
University Hosts 7th Annual “Break the Cycle, Be the Change”
In order to continue the fight against bias and effort to promote respect among all people, the University hosted the 7th annual “Break the Cycle: Be the Change” last Thursday.
University’s Office of Substance Awareness Offers Free Treatment
The Office of Substance Awareness, located in the Health Center next to Birch Hall, provides free, confidential, short-term substance abuse treatment for all students. The Office of Substance Awareness also provides educational information and presents to first-year seminar classes.
Professors Trying to Stop Plagiarism
In the early weeks of Katelyn Laeyt’s freshman year at Ramapo College, a professor sent her class a clear message a classmate’s plagiarized essay, each line marked in red, posted on the professor’s door.
University Delegates Attended 26th Annual National Conference on Ethics in America
Dr. Golam M. Mathbor, Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences and a professor in the School of Social Work at the University, was selected to serve as mentor for the 26th annual National Conference on Ethics in America (NCEA).
Hawk TV Will Launch New Website
Hawk TV will be launching its new website on Wednesday, November 9 in hopes of promoting their programming and events.
University Delegates Attended 26th Annual National Conference on Ethics in America Screen reader support enabled.
Dr. Golam M. Mathbor, Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences and a professor in the School of Social Work at the University, was selected to serve as mentor for the 26th annual National Conference on Ethics in America (NCEA).
Mt. Vernon Nazarene University Models EOF Program after Monmouth
A panel of Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) students met last Tuesday morning with staff from Mt. Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU) in Ohio, in a collaborative effort to start a program that mirrors the University’s.
University Hosts First Public Relations Panel
The University hosted its first public relations focus panel on October 25. The panel, “Today’s Public Relations Strategy: Tools of the Trade for Effective Online News,” featured an array of local professionals in both the public relations and journalism fields.