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Living with the ‘Rents

When I say that I’m a senior and I’m a commuter, oftentimes, people think I am living with a group of friends, or maybe I’ve ventured off on my own. But, when I follow that up with, “No, I still live at home,” I’m usually left with an, “Oh that’s cool,” with a tone of voice that matches the very uncool.

Sweet Potato Tater Tots

Sweet Potato Tater Tots

Everyone has a favorite food.  Whether you are an animated bunny who loves carrots, a sailorman who loves spinach, or a monster who loves cookies, you have one.  I remember where, when, and how I discovered mine.  I have been awaiting the mouthwatering taste of them ever since and today I found them again.  I knew I would soon get the opportunity to eat those delicious sweet potato tater tots yet again.   

Sibiling By Blood

Siblings By Blood, Friends By Choice

Growing up with an older brother meant growing up with a best friend. Although he is two years older, it seems as if we are twins; we have the same mannerisms, the same personality, we understand each other like no one else does, and some even say that we look alike. I even followed his footsteps in becoming a Monmouth Hawk, since we always knew our university would be the perfect fit for the both of us.

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Today’s Technology

It’s been 2018 for about two months now and I am in awe of how “futuristic” our everyday lives are becoming. What once was thought as space-age technology is now a reality, and it doesn’t look like it is going to stop any time soon. The other day I was babysitting and the little girl was showing me her new iPhone X (because all 5th graders need one, right?) and how she no longer needs to physically type in a passcode, but rather her phone unlocks based on facial-recognition technology.

Introvert Extrovert

Introverts vs. Extroverts

We all have different personalities, preferences, and feelings. The topic of introversion vs. extroversion is something we all know about on the surface. But do we really know about it in depth? We all know or have met the “very talkative and outgoing” guy or the “quiet and private” girl, or vice versa. The traits we see are not the only thing or backing an introvert or extrovert.